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Langosch, Karl, 1903-1992

LC control no.n 85812403
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLangosch, Karl, 1903-1992
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1903
Death date1992
Field of activityGerman literature--Old High German, 750-1050 Latin literature, Medieval and modern College teaching
Profession or occupationGermanists Classicists College teachers
Found inKönig Artus und sein Tafelrunde, c1980: t.p. (Karl Langosch)
LC data base, 6-26-85 (hdg.: Langosch, Karl, 1903- )
Herzog August Bibliothek authority file, Mar. 12, 2007 (Langosch, Karl, 1903-1992, prof. of Old German and Middle-Latin philology)
Associated languageger