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Muralt, Alexander von, 1903-1990

LC control no.n 85815154
Personal name headingMuralt, Alexander von, 1903-1990
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Variant(s)Muralt, Alexander L. von, 1903-
Von Muralt, Alexander, 1903-1990
Muralt, A. von (Alexander), 1903-1990
Found inLCCN 59-17195: His Neue Ergebnisse der Nervenphysiologie, 1958 (hdg.: Muralt, Alexander L. von, 1903- )
LC data base, 8-1-85 (hdg.: Muralt, Alexander L. von, 1903- ; usage: Alexander von Muralt; A. von Muralt; variant: A.v. Muralt)
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, p.615-621, v.135, no.4, 1991 : (Alexander Ludwig von Muralt; b. 19 August 1903; d. 28 May 1990; Swiss physiologist)