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Theobaldy, Jürgen, 1944-

LC control no.n 85829443
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2682.H35
Personal name headingTheobaldy, Jürgen, 1944-
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LocatedBerlin (Germany) Bern (Switzerland)
Birth date19440307
Place of birthStrasbourg (France)
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inDrinks, c1979: t.p. (Jürgen Theobaldy) p. 46 (b. 1944, Strasbourg, France; lives West Berlin)
LC data base, 11-26-85 (hdg.: Theobaldy, Jürgen, 1944- )
Aus nächster Nähe, 2013; title page (Jürgen Theobaldy) page [184] (born March 7, 1944 in Strassburg, France; resides as freelance writer in Berne, Switzerland)
Associated languageger