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Schunter-Kleemann, Susanne

LC control no.n 86000006
Personal name headingSchunter-Kleemann, Susanne
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Variant(s)Schunter-Kleeman, Susanne
Kleeman, Susanne Schunter-
Kleemann, Susanne Schunter-
Found innuc85-81355: Her Zur Geschichte der Debatten ... 1975? (hdg. on WU rept.: Schunter-Kleeman, Susanne; usage: Susanne Schunter-Kleeman)
EG-Binnenmarkt, EuroPatriarchat oder ... 1990: t.p. (Susanne Schunter-Kleemann) p. 263 (Prof. Dr. in Bremen; b. 1942)
Herrenhaus Europa, c1992: t.p. (Susanne Schunter-Kleemann) p. 397 (b. 1942; Prof. Dr.; teaches at Hochschule Bremen)
Kürsch. dt. Gel.-Kal., 1992 (Schunter-Kleemann, Susanne; Dr. phil., Prof. H f. Wirtschaft Bremen; b. 5/2/1942 in Berlin; works listed)
Invalid LCCNn 93072346