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LC control no.n 86009153
Corporate name headingSylvestrines
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Variant(s)Congregazione silvestrina
Benedictines. Sylvestrines
Congregatio Silvestrina Ordinis Sancti Benedicti
OSB Silv
Found inConvegno di studi su "Aspetti e problemi del monachesimo nelle Marche" (1981 : Monastero S. Silvestro abate). Aspetti e problemi del monach. nelle Marche, 1982: p. ix (fdd. 1231 and known as Ordine di S. Benedetto di Montefano [no publs. in LC data base]; quickly became known as Congregazione silvestrina)
LC data base, 8-7-86 (hdg.: Sylvestrines; usage: congregazioni ... silvestrina)
New Cath. encyc.: v. 2, p. 302 (originally named Ordo Sancti Benedicti di Monte Fano; now designated Congregatio Silvestrina Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, OSB Silv; commonly called Sylvestrines)