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Hypatius, Saint, approximately 336-446

LC control no.n 86032735
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHypatius, Saint, approximately 336-446
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Variant(s)Hypatios, Saint, approximately 336-446
Hypatius, Abbot of Rufiniane, approximately 336-446
Hypatius, Saint, ca. 336-446
Birth date0336~
Death date0446
Found inWölfle, E. Hypatios, Leben und Bedeutung des Abtes von Rufiniane, c1986: t.p. (Hypatios, abbot of Rufiniane) p. 13, etc. (b. ca. 366-367; d. ca. 446)
Holweck. (Hypatius, abbot of Rufiniane in a suburb of Chalcedon, b. in Phrygia ca. 336, d. June of 446)
Megalē Hellēnikē enkykl. (Hypatios, monasas en tē Chalkidona Monē tōn Rouphianōn, d. 446)