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Potekhin, I. I. (Ivan Izosimovich), 1903-1964

LC control no.n 86040238
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPotekhin, I. I. (Ivan Izosimovich), 1903-1964
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Variant(s)Potekhin, Ivan Izosimovich, 1903-1964
Потехин, И. И. (Иван Изосимович), 1903-1964
波特欣, 1903-1964
Botexin, 1903-1964
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHis Stanovlenie novoĭ Gany, 1965: t.p. (I.I. Potekhin) verso t.p. (Ivan Izosimovich Potekhin) p. 3 (d. 1964)
Miliband, S. D. Biobibliograf. slov. sov. vostok., 1975: p. 453 (Potekhin Ivan Izosimovich, b. 10/1(14)/03, d. 9/17/64; doktor istor. nauk; founder and 1st director of Institut Afriki AN SSSR)
LC data base, 12-15-86 (hdg.: Potekhin, Ivan Izosimovich; usage: I. I. Potekhin [in rom])
Zhong zu qi shi zai Feizhou, 1962: title page (波特欣 = Botexin) title page verso ([苏] 波特欣 = [Su] Botexin)