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Heigert, Hans, 1925-2007

LC control no.n 86069099
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHeigert, Hans, 1925-2007
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Variant(s)Heigert, Hans, 1925-
Birth date1925-03-21
Death date2007-11-17
Place of birthMainz (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Place of deathMunich (Germany)
Profession or occupationJournalists
Found inMassenmedien in Osteuropa, 1976: t.p. (Hans Heigert)
LC data base, 7-11-86 (hdg.: Heigert, Hans, 1925-)
Maisons pour la jeunesse, 1960: title page (Hans Heigert)
Wikipedia, viewed July 15, 2024: Hans Heigert (Hans Heigert (Born: 21st March 1925 in Mainz; Died: 17th November 2007 in Munich) was one of the most popular and high-profile political journalists in Germany due to his work as presenter of the television program "Report" and as editor-in-chief of the Suddeutsche Zeitung. As a committed Christian, he was a member of the Bund Neudeutschland.)