LC control no. | n 86074733 |
Geographic heading | Spicer (Minn.) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Minnesota--Spicer |
Variant(s) | Spicer-on-Green-Lake (Minn.) |
Found in | Latham, E.S. Sunset tales from Medayto, between 1953 and 1973: p. 89 (village of Spicer) Lawson, V.E. Golden jubilee history of the Kandiyohi ... 1950: p. 11, etc. (Spicer; Spicer-on-Green-Lake) Rand McNal. comm. atl., 1977: p. 309 (Spicer; Kandiyohi [County]; Minnesota) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 45°13ʹ59ʺN 094°56ʹ24ʺW) |
Geographic area code | n-us-mn |