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Maté, Rudolph, 1899-1964

LC control no.n 86075516
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMaté, Rudolph, 1899-1964
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Maté, Rudy, 1899-1964
Mayer, Rudolf, 1899-1964
Biography/History noteRudolph Maté (1899-1964) was a Polish-born cinematographer and film director.
Birth date1899-01-21
Death date1964-10-27
Place of birthKraków (Poland)
Place of deathHollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Profession or occupationCinematographer
Motion picture director
Cinematographers Motion picture directors
Found inAren't we all? [MP] 1932: credits (photographed by Rudolph Maté)
Film daily yearbook, 1950, p. 191 (Rudy Mate)
Inter. film necrology, 1981 (Rudolph Mate; director & cinematographer; b. Jan. 21, 1898, Cracow, Poland; d. Oct. 27, 1964)
Internet movie database, via WWW, July 25, 2012 (Rudolph Maté; Rudolf Mayer; Rudolph Mate; R. Maté; Rudy Maté; b. Jan. 21, 1898 in Kraków, Poland; d. October 27, 1964 (age 66) in Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif.; cinematographer, director)
Associated languageeng ger