LC control no. | n 86090633 |
Geographic heading | Lamezia Terme (Italy) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Italy--Lamezia Terme |
Found in | Convegno nazionale su Francesco Fiorentino nel I centenario della morte, 1884-1984 (1984 : Lamezia Terme, Italy). Atti del Convegno ... c1986: t.p. (Lamezia Terme) Nuovo diz. comuni e frazioni comune, 1984 (Lamezia Terme; comune in prov. of Catanzaro) Wikipedia, Mar. 28, 2007: ("The commune of Lamezia Terme was formally created on January 4, 1968. Its territory includes those of the former communes of Nicastro, Sambiase, Sant'Eufemia Lamezia") GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 38°57ʹ57ʺN 016°18ʹ33ʺE) |
Not found in | BGN. |
Geographic area code | e-it--- |