LC control no. | n 86115255 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | PA8395.P32 |
Personal name heading | Peckham, John, -1292 |
Variant(s) | John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury, -1292 Peccham, John, -1292 Pecham, John, -1292 Peckam, Ioannes, -1292 Peckham, Johannes de, -1292 Pisanus, Joannes, -1292 Peckham, John, Abp. of Canterbury, d. 1292 Peckham, John, d. 1292 |
Associated country | England |
Associated place | Canterbury (England) |
Death date | 1292-12-08 |
Place of birth | Patcham (England) Sussex (England) |
Place of death | Mortlake (London, England) |
Affiliation | Franciscans Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Canterbury (England) |
Profession or occupation | Theologians Bishops |
Found in | Thoresby, John, -1373. The lay folks' catechism, 1987: CIP galley (John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury) LC manual authority card (hdg.: Peckham, John, Abp. of Canterbury, d. 1292) Questions concerning the eternity of the world, 1993: title page (John Pecham) page vii (John Pecham, O.F.M., born in about the year 1230 at Patcham, Sussex, England [now within the city of Brighton and Hove]; studied at Paris) page ix (named Archbishop of Canterbury on the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul [i.e. January 25] in 1279) page x (died December 8, 1291) Stimulus amoris ; Canticum pauperis, 1949: title page (fr. Ioannis Peckam) New Catholic encyclopedia. Second edition, 2003: volume 7, page 1007 (John Peckham (Pecham) [entered under John]; English Franciscan theologian; archbishop of Canterbury from January 28, 1279, until his death in 1292; known as Doctor ingeniosus; born at Patcham, Sussex, circa 1220-1225; died at Mortlake Manor, Surrey [now Mortlake in London], December 8,1292) Bibliothè€que nationale de France, Catalogue des incunables: A-182 (Johannes de Peckham) Perspectiua Joannis Pisani anglici viri religiosi vulgo co[m]munis appellata rationes, 1504: title page (... Joannis Pisani) |
Associated language | lat |