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Kühner, Raphael, 1802-1878

LC control no.n 86816815
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKühner, Raphael, 1802-1878
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Variant(s)Kuehner, Raphael, 1802-1878
Birth date1802-03-22
Death date1878-04-18
Place of birthGotha (Germany)
Place of deathHannover (Germany)
Profession or occupationPhilologists Grammarians
Found inSchwarz, G.S. Index locorum zu Kühner-Stegmann "Satzlehre", 1980: verso t.p. (Raphael Kühner)
NUC, pre-1956 (hdg.: Kühner, Raphael, 1802-1878)
Bibliothèque nationale de France, via VIAF, 18 September 2015 (Kühner, Raphael; Kuehner, Raphael; born 1802-03-22 in Gotha; died 1878-04-18 in Hanover; philologian and grammarian)
Associated languageger