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Reitz, Christiane

LC control no.n 86821017
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingReitz, Christiane
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Birth date1953
Found innuc86-35058: Her Die Nekyia in den Punica des Silius Italicus, c1982 (hdg. on MoU rept.: Reitz, Christiane; usage: Christiane Reitz)
Wissensvermittlung in dichterischer Gestalt, 2005: t.p. (Christiane Reitz) p. 333 (b. 1953; studied class. philol. and compar. linguistics, Univ. Bonn and Heidelberg)
Antike Erzähl- und Deutungsmuster, 2018: title page (Festschrift für Christiane Reitz zum 65. Geburtstag)
Associated languageger