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Andreas, de Sancto Victore, approximately 1110-1175

LC control no.n 86829924
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAndreas, de Sancto Victore, approximately 1110-1175
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Variant(s)Andreas, de Sancto Victore, ca. 1110-1175
Andreas, von St. Viktor, approximately 1110-1175
Andrew, of Saint-Victor, approximately 1110-1175
André, de Saint-Victor, approximately 1110-1175
Other standard no.0000000066763618
Associated countryEngland France
Associated placeParis (France) Wigmore (Herefordshire, England)
Birth date1110~
Death date1175-10-19
Place of deathWigmore (Herefordshire, England)
AffiliationWigmore Abbey (Wigmore, Herefordshire, England)
Saint-Victor (Abbey : Paris, France)
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NLC not consulted.
Found innuc86-48384: Signer, M.A. Andrew of St. Victor's Expositio in Ezechielem, 1978 (hdg. on CaOTU rept.: Andrew, of St. Victor, d. ca. 1175)
Andreae de Sancto Victore Opera, 1986- : volume 1, title page (Andreae de Sancto Victore) page vii (Andreas von St. Viktor; died circa 1175)
New Catholic encyclopedia. Second edition: volume 1, pages 406-407 (Andrew of Saint-Victor; Andreas de Sancto Victore; André de Saint-Victor; canon regular of the Abbey of Saint-Victor, Paris, and on two occasions, abbot of Wigmore Abbey in Hereforshire, England; born in England circa 1110; entered the Abbey of Saint-Victor in 1130; died at Wigmore, October 19, 1175)
Not found inEncyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition; DNB.