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McQuay, Mike

LC control no.n 86834136
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMcQuay, Mike
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See alsoAlternate identity: Arnett, Jack
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Other standard no.0000000117701901
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1949-06-03
Death date1995-05-27
Place of birthBaltimore (Md.)
Place of deathOklahoma City (Okla.)
Field of activityScience fiction Creative writing
Science fiction Novels
Profession or occupationNovelists
Science fiction writer
Found innuc86-55661: His Escape from New York, 1981 (hdg. on TxU rept.: McQuay, Mike; usage: Mike McQuay)
Stärke 10, 1999: title page (Arthur C. Clarke, Mike McQuay)
Richter 10, 1996: title page (Arthur C. Clarke & Mike McQuay)
Escape from New York, 1981: title page (by Mike McQuay, based upon a screenplay by John Carpenter & Nick Castle)
SFE (Encyclopedia of science fiction) online, Aug. 14, 2018 (McQuay, Mike; Michael Dennis McQuay; born born June 3, 1949 in Baltimore; died May 27, 1995 in Oklahoma City; series: Mathew Swain, Ramon and Morgan (as Mike McQuay), Book of Justice (as Jack Arnett); author of novalization of the Escape from New York (New York: Bantam Books, 1981); Richter 10 (with Arthur C. Clarke)
OCLC, Aug. 14, 2018 (AAP: McQuay, Mike, Arnett, Jack ; usage: Mike McQuay, Jack Arnett [Book of justice series titles: Genocide Express (1989), Zaitech Sting, Death force, Panama dead (1990)])
Wikipedia, Aug. 14, 2018 (Mike McQuay ; Michael Dennis McQuay (1949-1995) was an American science fiction writer. His series include: Mathew Swain, Ramon and Morgan, Executioner, and SuperBolan. The Book of Justice series he wrote as Jack Arnett. He also wrote the second of the Isaac Asimov's Robot City novels. He co-authored Richter 10 (1996) (with Arthur C. Clarke). His non-series novel Memories was nominated for a Philip K. Dick Award for 1987)
Associated languageeng