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Patton, Jack (Jack I.), 1900-1962

LC control no.n 86834222
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPatton, Jack (Jack I.), 1900-1962
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1900
Death date1962
Place of birthDallas (Tex.)
Field of activityNewspaper industry
Profession or occupationEditorial cartoonist Cartoonist
Found innuc86-55777: His Texas history movies, 1985? (hdg. on TxU rept.: Patton, Jack I.; usage: Jack Patton)
Phorum, website, May 20, 2015 cites a Dallas Morning News article from Jan. 23, 1962 (Jack I Patton, a veteran Dallas News employee whose cartoons both delighted and infuriated two generations of Texans, died Monday in Dallas hospital at age 61; attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago; joined the staff of the Dallas News in 1918)
Lambiek Comiclopedia, May 23, 2015 (Jack Patton, 1900-1962; editorial cartoonist and comic strip author/artist)
Associated languageeng