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Takeuchi, David

LC control no.n 86850253
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTakeuchi, David
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Biography/History noteDavid Takeuchi is a professor at the Boston College School of Social Work.
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeChestnut Hill (Mass.)
Field of activitySociology
AffiliationBoston College
Profession or occupationSociologists College teachers
Found innuc86-81593: The Litter problem in Hawaii, 1978 (hdg. on NGenoU rept.: Takeuchi, David; usage: David Takeuchi)
Confronting critical health issues of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, c1994: CIP t.p. (David Takeuchi) galley (David T. Takeuchi, Ph.D.; sociologist, asso. dir., National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health at UCLA)
Boston College, School of Social Work faculty website, viewed October 30, 2015: (David Takeuchi, David T. Takeuchi, PhD is professor at Boston College School of Social Work; Dr. Takeushi is a sociologist with postdoctoral training in epidemiology and health services research; curriculum vitae (David Takeo Takeuchi; Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts; professional experience: 2013- Professor, Boston College, School of Social Work)
Associated languageeng