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Toivo, Andimba Toivo ya, 1924-2017

LC control no.n 86864833
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingToivo, Andimba Toivo ya, 1924-2017
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Variant(s)Toivo ja Toivo, Andimba, 1924-2017
Toivo, Toivo Hermann ja, 1924-2017
Toivo ya Toivo, Andimba, 1924-2017
Ya Toivo, Andimba Toivo, 1924-2017
Toivo ya Toivo, Herman Andimba, 1924-2017
LocatedRobben Island (South Africa)
Birth date1924-08-22
Death date2017-06-09
Place of birthOmangundu (Namibia)
Place of deathWindhoek (Namibia)
Profession or occupationPolitical prisoners
Political activists Nationalists Cabinet officers
Found innuc86-99188: His South Africa has robbed us of our country [MI] 1968 (hdg. on NN rept.: Toivo, Toivo Hermann ja; usage: Toivo Hermann ja Toivo)
Namibian icon : Toivo at 85, c2009: p. 1, etc. (Andimba Toivo ya Toivo)
Wikipedia, Dec. 21, 2010 (Herman Andimba Toivo ya Toivo (born 22 August 1924) is a Namibian politician who was active in the independence movement)
South African History Online website, viewed Dec. 5, 2013 (Andimba Toivo ya Toivo; political activist and co-founder of SWAPO; b. in Omangudu, near Ondangwa, Namibia)
LC classification schedule, at DT1641.T75 (Toivo ja Toivo, Andimba)
New York times WWW site, viewed June 12, 2017 (in obituary published June 10: Andimba Toivo ya Toivo; b. Herman Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, Aug. 22, 1924, in a village near Ondangwa, in Ovamboland, northern Namibia; d. Friday [June 9, 2017], Windhoek, aged 92; Namibian nationalist leader who fought a long and dogged campaign for his land's independence and was jailed for 16 years alongside Nelson Mandela in South Africa's notorious Robben Island prison; referred to in article as Mr. ya Toivo)