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Ahrens, Rüdiger, 1939-

LC control no.n 86865967
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAhrens, Rüdiger, 1939-
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Birth date19390103
Place of birthHöxter (Germany)
Field of activityEnglish literature
AffiliationBayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found inDrescher, H.W. Lexikon der englischen Lit., c1979: t.p. (Rüdiger Ahrens) p. 533 (b. 1/3/39 in Höxter)
LC data base, 10/24/86 (hdg.: Ahrens, Rüdiger, 1939- )
Symbolism (New York, N.Y.), v. 1 (2000): t.p. (Rüdiger Ahrens) p. 395 (holds chair of English Studies and has been head of the English Dept., Univ. of Würzburg, Germany, since 1980; Lexikon der englischen Literatur, with H.W. Drescher, 1979)
Associated languageeng ger