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Decourtray, Albert, 1923-1994

LC control no.n 86873565
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDecourtray, Albert, 1923-1994
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Decourtray, Albert, 1923-
Decourtray, cardinal (Albert), 1923-1994
Birth date1923-04-09
Death date1994-09-16
Found inHis Le cardinal Decourtray, c1986: p. 10 (Albert Decourtray) p. 283 (b. 4-9-23)
Echivard, N. Femme, qui es-tu? c1985: t.p. (Albert Decourtray, archevêque de Lyon) cover (cardinal Decourtray)
Wikipedia, January 16, 2025: Alber Decourtray (Albert Florent Augustin Decourtray, April 19, 1923-September 16, 1994, was a French Catholic Cardinal and Archbishop of Lyon)