LC control no. | n 87101539 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Schmidt, Oscar, 1823-1886 |
Variant(s) | Schmidt, Dr. (Eduard Oskar), 1823-1886 Schmidt, Dr. (Oscar), 1823-1886 Schmidt, E. O., 1823-1886 Schmidt, Edu. Oscar, 1823-1886 Schmidt, Eduard Oscar, 1823-1886 Schmidt, Eduard Oskar, 1823-1886 Schmidt, O. (Oscar), 1823-1886 Schmidt, Oskar, 1823-1886 |
Associated place | Faroe Islands Dalmatia (Croatia) North Cape (Magerøy Island, Norway) Adriatic Sea |
Located | Halle an der Saale (Germany) Berlin (Germany) Jena (Germany) Kraków (Poland) Graz (Austria) |
Birth date | 1823-02-21 |
Death date | 1886-02-21 |
Place of birth | Torgau (Germany) |
Place of death | Strasbourg (France) Kappelrodeck (Germany) |
Field of activity | Zoology Algology Anatomy, Comparative Sponges--Research College teaching Evolution (Biology) Scientific illustration |
Affiliation | Universität Halle-Wittenberg Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin Universität Jena Uniwersytet Jagielloński Universität Graz Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strassburg Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina |
Profession or occupation | Zoologists Algologists Anatomists College teachers Scientific illustrators Science writers Spongiologists |
Special note | Erroneously identified as author of popular works on human anatomy (Der menschliche Körper : anschauliche Darstellung seines Baues und seiner Organe; Anatomie des menschlichen Kopfes mit Einschluss des Halses; and/or translations of these works, including Philips' anatomical model; Whittaker's anatomical model; The anatomy of the human head and neck; Människohufvudets anatomi) For Der menschliche Körper; Anatomie des menschlichen Kopfes mit Einschluss des Halses; and translations of these works, use: Schmidt, Dr., active 1893-1895, no2020047364 |
Found in | NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Schmidt, Eduard Oskar, 1823-1886) LCCN 06-4053: Brehm, A.E. Illustrirtes Thierleben, 1864-69 (hdg.: Schmidt, Eduard Oskar, 1823-1886; variant: O. Schmidt) Schmidt, Oscar. Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie, 1849, via Biodiversity Library, March 12, 2020: title page (von Eduard Oskar Schmidt) Schmidt, Oscar. Bilder aus dem Norden, 1851, via MDZ/BSB, March 12, 2020: (von Eduard Oskar Schmidt) Schmidt, Oscar. Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. Dritte ... Auflage, 1855, via Google Books, March 12, 2020: title page (von Eduard Oscar Schmidt, Doctor der Philosophie, der Medicin und Chirurgie, k.k. o.ö. Professor der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie an der Universität zu Krakau) page IV ("Vorwort" signed: Oscar Schmidt) Schmidt, Oscar. Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres, 1862, via Oxford Libraries Online, March 12, 2020: (von Dr. Oscar Schmidt, Professor der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie an der Universität zu Gratz) Brehm, A.E. Illustrirtes Thierleben, 1864-1869. Sechster Band, 1869, via Google Books, March 12, 2020: title page (von E.L. Taschenberg und Oskar Schmidt) section title, page 619 (von Oskar Schmidt) Schmidt, Oscar. Descendenzlehre und Darwinismus, 1873, via HathiTrust, March 12, 2020: title page (von Oscar Schmidt, Professor an der Universität zu Strassburg) Schmidt, Oscar. "Kieselspongien," in Deutsche Nordpolar-Expedition (2nd : 1869-1870). Die Zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren 1869 und 1870 unter Führung des Kapitän Karl Koldewey, 1873-1874, v. 2, pages 429-433: page 429 (in caption: "Bearbeitet von Oscar Schmidt in Strassburg") plate following page 432 ("O. Schmidt gez."); in Table of contents, page VIII ("bearbeitet von Oskar Schmidt") Deutsche Nordpolar-Expedition (2nd : 1869-1870). Die Zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren 1869 und 1870 unter Führung des Kapitän Karl Koldewey, 1873-1874: v. 2, page IV (in list of contributors to the volume: "Professor Dr. Oskar Schmidt in Strassburg") v. 2, page 143 (in introduction to section "Zoologie": "Kieselspongien. Bearbeitet von Professor Dr. Oscar Schmidt in Gratz") Database of scientific illustrators, May 5, 2020 (Schmidt, Eduard Oscar; alt. names: Oscar Schmidt; born 1823 in Torgau, Saxony; died 1886 in Strasbourg or Kappelrodeck; education: universities of Halle/Saale and Berlin; lists works with illustrations by Schmidt, including his Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie, Bilder aus dem Norden, Die niederen Tiere, Die Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres, Die Spongien der Küste von Algier and Die Spongien des Meerbusens von Mexico; and Alfred Edmund Brehm's Illustrirtes Thierleben (also published as Brehms Tierleben)); techniques: zoological, herpetological, and marine drawing) <> "Oscar Schmidt," in Nature, v. 33 (1886), page 392, via, March 12, 2020 (caption: "Oscar Schmidt"; "Eduard Oscar Schmidt was born at Torgau on February 21, 1823 ... During many of his vacation tours he visited the lonian Islands and other places on the shores of the Adriatic, and ... he became more and more interested in the natural history of the Sponges ... the merit of having grasped the leading features of the classification of the Sponges will generally be awarded to him ... Prof. Schmidt died at Strasburg on January 17 last") Hess, Wilhelm. "Schmidt, Oscar," in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, Bd. 32 (1891), pages 11-12, accessed online, March 12, 2020 ("Schmidt: Eduard Oscar Schmidt" [Oscar is emphasized through letter spacing; alphabetized as Schmidt, Oscar]; born 21 February 1823 in Torgau, died 17 January 1886; 1842, studied mathematics and natural sciences at University of Halle; following year, moved to Berlin and concentrated studies on zoology; doctorate in Halle, 1846; Habilitation as private lecturer in Jena, 1847; ausserordentlicher Professor, 1848; Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie published, 1849; Bilder aus dem Norden, based on his travels to the Faroe Islands and the North Cape, 1851; ordentlicher Professor in Cracow, 1855; professor in Graz, 1857; after travels to Dalmatia to study fauna of the Adriatic, published Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres, 1862; professor in Strasbourg, 1872; published Descendenzlehre und Darwinismus, 1873, in which he expressed support for Darwin) <> Deutsche biographische Enzyklopädie, Bd. 9, 1998: page 16 ("Schmidt, (Eduard) Oskar" [alphabetized as Schmidt, Oskar], born 21.2.1823, Torgau, died 17.1.1886, Strasbourg) Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, 30. Theil, 1875, pages 309-312, via, March 12, 2020 (Schmidt, Oscar, also Eduard Oscar, born Porgau [sic], 21 February 1823) Höflechner, W. "Schmidt, Eduard Oskar," in Österreichisches biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 (ÖBL), Bd. 10, Lfg. 48 (1992), pages 251-252, accessed online, March 12, 2020 (Schmidt, Eduard Oskar, zoologist; born Torgau, Prussia, 21.2.1823; died Strassburg, Alsace-Lorraine, 17.1.1886.) <> Wikipedia, March 12, 2020 (Eduard Oscar Schmidt (21 February 1823, Torgau-17 January 1886, Kappelrodeck); German zoologist and phycologist; standard author abbreviation E.O.Schmidt; "He initially studied mathematics and science at Halle, then continued his education in Berlin ... In 1847 he received his habilitation at the University of Jena, becoming an associate professor during the following year. In 1855 was he appointed professor of zoology at the University of Cracow. Later he taught classes at the Universities of Graz (from 1857) and Strasbourg (from 1872)") German Wikipedia, March 12, 2020 (article title: "Eduard Oscar Schmidt"; text begins "(Eduard) Oscar Schmidt"; picture caption: "Der Zoologe Eduard Oscar Schmidt" ["Oscar" is underlined]; facsimile signature: "Oscar Schmidt"; born 21 February 1823 in Torgau, died 17 January 1886 in Kappelrodeck); German zoologist; in 1880 he was elected a member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina), March 12, 2020 (Eduard Oscar Schmidt, elected 1880; section: Zoology) <> Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, March 12, 2020 (Schmidt, Eduard Oskar; gender: male; other names: Schmidt, Eduard Oscar; Schmitdt [sic, i.e. Schmidt], Edu. Oscar; Schmidt, Eduard O.; Schmidt, Eduard; Schmidt, E. Oskar; Schmidt, E. Oscar; Schmidt, Oskar; Schmidt, Oscar; life dates: 1823-1886; place of birth: Torgau; places of activity: Jena, Cracow, Graz; occupations: biologist, university teacher; other information: zoologist; professor in Jena and Strasbourg) <> HathiTrust, March 12, 2020 (usage on 13 title pages: Oscar Schmidt, Professor in Jena (1853); Oscar Schmidt, Professor in Graz (2 titles, 1858); Dr. Oscar Schmidt, Professor der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie, Director des Landschaftlichen Zoologischen Museums zu Gratz (1864); Eduard Oscar Schmidt, Doctor der Philosophie, der Medicin und Chirurgie, k.k. o.ö. Professor der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie an der Universität zu Graz (1865); Dr. Oscar Schmidt, Professor der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie (1867); Oscar Schmidt, professor in the University of Strasburg (2 titles, 1875, 1886); Dr. Oscar Schmidt (1878); Oscar Schmidt, Professor an der naturwissenschaftlichen Facultät der Universität Strassburg i/E (1878); Oscar Schmidt, Professor an der Universität zu Strassburg (1884); O. Schmidt (1887); Oscar Schmidt, Professor an der Universität Strassburg (1890)) VIAF, March 12, 2020 (Schmidt, Eduard Oskar, 1823-1886: Sudoc [ABES] France, National Library of Poland, NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library, National Library of Sweden, National Library of the Czech Republic, German National Library, Vatican Library; Schmidt, Dr. (Eduard Oskar), 1823-1886: National Library of Israel (J9U), National Library of Israel, Library of Congress/NACO, National Library of Ireland; Schmidt, Oscar: BIBSYS ISNI; Schmidt, Oscar, 1823-1886: National Library of France, National Library of Estonia, National Library of Portugal; Schmidt, Oskar (Eduard Oskar), 1823-1886: National Library of the Netherlands; Schmidt, Edmund Oskar: National and University Library in Zagreb; Eduard Oscar Schmidt: Wikidata; Schmidt, Oskar 1823-1886: National Library of Lithuania; Schmidt, Oscar, 1823-1887: Sudoc [ABES], France; Schmidt, O. (Oscar), 1823-1886: National Library of Australia) <> |
Not found in | Whittaker's anatomical model, 1895?: title page ("With descriptive text by Dr. Schmidt. English edition by William S. Furneaux") |
Associated language | ger |