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Sharp, Lester W. (Lester Whyland), 1887-1961

LC control no.n 87104763
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSharp, Lester W. (Lester Whyland), 1887-1961
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Variant(s)Sharp, Lester W. (Lester Whyland), b. 1887
Sharp, Lester Whyland, 1887-1961
See alsoFor works of this author written in collaboration with Cuthbert Bancroft Fraser, search also under Fotheringham, Augustus C.
Alternate identity: Fotheringham, Augustus C.
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Birth date1887-04-21
Death date1961-07-17
Place of birthSaratoga Springs (N.Y.)
Place of deathHemet (Calif.)
Profession or occupationBotanists Authors
Found inLCCN 21-13866: His An introduction to cytology, 1921 (hdg.: Sharp, Lester Whyland, 1887- ; usage: Lester W. Sharp)
Natl. cycl. of Amer. biog., v. 53 (Sharp, Lester Whyland; botanist; b. Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 4/21/1887; d. Hemet, Calif., 7-17-61; published a widely-known scientific hoax with Cuthbert B. Fraser under the joint alias of Augustus C. Fotheringham)
Wikidata via Wikipedia, September 6, 2019 (VIAF identifier: 191273230; ISNI (P213): 0000000110031642; instance of: human; sex or gender: male; date of birth: +1887-00-00T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1961-00-00T00:00:00Z; educated at: University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, Alma College; employer: Cornell University; country of citizenship: United States of America; given name: Lester; occupation: botanist; LCAuth identifier: n87104763; FAST-ID: 1847040; SNAC Ark ID (P3430): w6wq28tz; Academic Tree ID (P2381): 52356; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 155938061; BHL creator ID (P4081): 1117; surname: Sharp; SUDOC authorities: 155605828; WikiTree person ID (P2949): Sharp-8545; description/label: Ameerika Ühendriikide botaanik, American botanist, Amerikaans botanicus , amerikanischer Zytologe, botànic estatunidenc, botaniciste american, botánico estadounidense, botánicu estauxunidense , botanist american, botanist amerikan, botaniste américain, Lester W. Sharp, usona botanikisto, американський ботанік)