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Mayall, John

LC control no.n 87125445
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMayall, John
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See alsoCorporate body: Bluesbreakers (Musical group)
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Associated countryGreat Britain
Birth date1933-11-29
Death date2024-07-22
Place of deathCalifornia
Field of activityBlues (Music)
Profession or occupationBlues musicians Harmonica players Singers Composers
Found inHis Some of my best friends are blues [SR] p1986: label (John Mayall, blues singer/instrumentalist/band leader)
Int. ww in pop. mus., 4th ed. (Mayall, John; b. Nov. 29, 1933, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England; blues singer, songwriter, musician (harmonica))
Best of British blues. Vol. 1, p2001: container (John Mayall's Bluesbreakers), July 24, 2024: John Mayall (died at his home in California on 22 July 2024)