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Chatzēmichaēl, Theophilos, 1866-1934

LC control no.n 87815258
Personal name headingChatzēmichaēl, Theophilos, 1866-1934
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Théophilos, 1866-1934
Théofilos, 1866-1934
Théophile, 1866-1934
Hadzimichaïl, Théophilos, 1866-1934
Hatzimichaïl, Théophilos G., 1866-1934
Found inHis Théophilos, 1961: p. 18, etc. (Théophilos Hadzimichaïl; d. 1934)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Chatzēmichaēl, Theophilos, 1866-1934; variants: Theophilos; Théofilos, Théophile, Théophilos G. Hatzimichaïl)
Elytēs, O. Ho zōgraphos Theophilos, 1986: p. 30 (b. 1870)
Invalid LCCNn 90709961