LC control no. | n 87825423 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Serauky, Walter |
Variant(s) | Serauky, Walter Karl August |
Birth date | 1903-04-20 |
Death date | 1959-08-20 |
Place of birth | Halle an der Saale (Germany) |
Place of death | Halle an der Saale (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Musicologists College teachers Editors |
Found in | Handel, G.F. Suiten, 1985?: t.p. (herausgegeben von Walter Serauky) LC data base, 4/21/87 (hdg.: Serauky, Walter) Carl Maria von Weber, eine Gedenkschrift, 1951: p. 309 (Walter Serauky; b. 1903, Halle) Wikidata via Wikipedia, December 17, 2018 (instance of: human; Catalogus Professorum Halensis (P2005): seraukywalter; sex or gender: male; given name: Walter; Open Library identifier: OL2324042A; member of political party: NSDAP; Catalogus Professorum Lipsiensis ID (P3409): Serauky_568; occupation: musicologist, university teacher; date of birth: +1903-04-20T00:00:00Z; country of citizenship: Kingdom of Prussia, Germany, German Democratic Republic; place of birth: Halle (Saale); date of death: +1959-08-20T00:00:00Z; place of death: Halle (Saale); VIAF identifier: 34640600; NKC identifier: jn20040102030; LNB identifier: 000040879; GND identifier: 13451985X; SUDOC authorities: 067070434; BnF identifier: 137731514; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 072724366; People Australia identifier: 36557851; NSK identifier: 000426125; NLI (Israel) identifier: 002175853; ISNI (P213): 0000000116181502; LCAuth identifier: n87825423; NUKAT authorities: n2007124737; NLP identifier: A28863276; languages spoken or published: German; CONOR identifier: 117350755; employer: Leipzig University; alias: Walter Karl August Serauky; description/label: deutscher Musikwissenschaftler, Duits universitair docent , German musicologist, tysk professor, Walter Serauky) <> |