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Head, Francis Bond, Sir, 1793-1875

LC control no.n 87825818
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHead, Francis Bond, Sir, 1793-1875
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Variant(s)Author of Bubbles from the brunnen of Nassau, 1793-1875
Head, F. B. (Francis Bond), Sir, 1793-1875
Head, Francis Bond, Sir, bart., 1793-1875
See alsoOntario. Lieutenant-Governor (1836-1838 : Head)
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Birth date1793
Death date1875
Found inFairbairn, T. Britannia and Conway tubular bridges, 1849: t.p. (author of High-ways and dry-ways)
Halkett & Laing (High-ways & dry-ways, and Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau are by Sir Francis Bond Head)
LC data base, 4-21-87 (hdg.: Head, Francis Bond, Sir, bart., 1793-1875; usage: Francis Bond Head; F.B. Head; Sir Francis Bond Head)
His Stokers and pokers, or, The London and North-Western Railway, 1849: t.p. (author of Bubbles from the brunnen of Nassau)