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Stansbury, Howard, 1806-1863

LC control no.n 87881042
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingStansbury, Howard, 1806-1863
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Birth date1806-02-08
Death date1863-04-17
Place of birthNew York (N.Y.)
Place of deathMadison (Wis.)
Profession or occupationExplorers
Civil engineers
Special noteHdg rev per Desc Pol
Found inHis Exploring expedition to the Great Salt Lake, 1988: CIP t.p. (Howard Stansbury)
LC data base, 1-12-88 (hdg.: Stansbury, Howard)
Appletons' cyclopaedia of Amer. biog., 1888 (Stansbury, Howard; explorer, civil engineer, surveyor of rivers and railroads; Great Salt Lake Expedition, 1849-51; b. N.Y.C. 8 Feb. 1806; d. Madison, Wis. 17 April 1863)
Stansbury, Howard. Report of the engineer in relation to the several surveys made during the past season, 1835: title page (Howard Stansbury, U.S. Assist. Civ. Engineer)
Associated languageeng