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Caelius Rufus, Marcus

LC control no.n 87909693
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCaelius Rufus, Marcus
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Variant(s)Caelius Rufus, M. (Marcus)
Celio Rufo, Marco
Birth date-0081
Death date-0047
Place of birthRome
Profession or occupationAediles
Found inCicero, M.T. M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio oratio, 1988: CIP t.p. (M. Gaelio) pref. (M. Caelius Rufus)
LC data base, 12/17/87 (hdg.: Caelius Rufus, Marcus)
Oxford Classical dict., 1970: (Caelius Rufus, Marcus; b. 82 B.C.; d. 48 B. C.)
Canali, L. Una giovinezza piena di speranze, 2001: t.p. (Marco Celio Rufo)
Pro Marco Caelio, 2013: page page 4 (M. Caelius Rufus, aedile, praetor, orator and prosecutor. Defended by Cicero in April 56 BC for political violence)
Associated languagelat