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Yost, Dorothy

LC control no.n 87911955
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingYost, Dorothy
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Biography/History noteDorothy Yost (1899-1967) was an American screenwriter.
Birth date1899-04-25
Death date1967-06-10
Place of birthSaint Louis (Mo.)
Place of deathMonrovia (Calif.)
Profession or occupationScriptwriter
Found inAlice Adams. Booth Tarkington's Alice Adams [MP] 1935: credits (screen play by Dorothy Yost)
Inter. motion picture alm., 1936/37 (Dorothy Yost; b. St. Louis, Mo.)
Internet movie database, via WWW, Jan. 3, 2013 (Dorothy Yost; b. April 25, 1899 in St. Louis, Mo.; d. June 10, 1967 in Monrovia, Calif.; screenwriter; spouse: Dwight Cummins)
Associated languageeng