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Flatbush (New York, N.Y.)

LC control no.n 88028411
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingFlatbush (New York, N.Y.)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)New York (N.Y.). Flatbush
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.). Flatbush
פלטבוש (New York, N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.). פלטבוש
Middelwout (New York, N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.). Middelwout
Middewout (New York, N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.). Middewout
Vlackebos (New York, N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.). Vlackebos
Other standard no.5117378
Associated countryUnited States
LocatedNew York (N.Y.) Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
Special noteSUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inNUCMC data from Rutgers Univ. Lib. for Stryker, J. Papers, 1745-1820 (Flatbush; Brooklyn, N.Y.)
Rand McNally, 1984 (Flatbush; Brooklyn; part of New York)
Wikidata, August 10, 2018 (Flatbush; neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City)
National Library of Israel, in VIAF, August 10, 2018 ((פלטבוש (ניו יורק, ניו יורק = Flaṭbush (Nyu Yorḳ, Nyu Yorḳ))
GNIS, August 10, 2017 (Flatbush; variants: Middelwout; Middewout; Vlackebos; populated (community) place; Kings County, New York; 40.6520481° -73.9590270°; 40°39ʹ07ʺN 073°57ʹ32ʺW)
Geographic area coden-us-ny