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Holgate, S. T

LC control no.n 88038511
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHolgate, S. T.
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Variant(s)Holgate, S. T. (Stephen T.)
Holgate, Stephen T.
Birth date19470202
AffiliationUniversity of Southampton
Found inMast cells, mediators, and disease, c1988: CIP t.p. (S.T. Holgate; MRC Research Prof. of Medicine, University of Southampton)
Allergy, 1993: CIP t.p. (Stephen T. Holgate, M.D. DSc, FRCP, MRC clin. prof. of immunopharm., Univ. of Southampton; hon. consult. phys., Southampton and SW Hampshire Dist. Health Auth., Southampton, UK)
Inflammatory mechanisms in asthma, c1998 : CIP t.p. (Stephen T. Holgate) data sheet (b. Feb. 2, 1947)