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Emhardt, Robert, 1914-1994

LC control no.n 88100640
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEmhardt, Robert, 1914-1994
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1914-07-24
Death date1994-12-26
Place of birthIndianapolis (Ind.)
Place of deathOjai (Calif.)
Field of activityActing
Profession or occupationActors
Found inHallmark hall of fame. Magnificent yankee [MP] 1965: credits (starring Robert Emhardt)
Halliwell's filmgoer's companion, 1985 (Robert Emhardt; b. 1916)
IMDb, Aug. 14, 2006 (Robert Emhardt; b. July 24, 1914, Indianapolis, Ind.; d. Dec. 26, 1994, Ojai, Calif.; birth name: Robert Christian Emhardt)
SSDI, Aug. 24, 2006 (Emhardt, Robert; b. July 24, 1914; d. Dec. 26, 1994, Ojai, Calif.)
Internet Movie Database WWW site, August 5, 2016: (Robert Emhardt, actor ; b. July 24, 1914 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA ; d. December 26, 1994 (age 80) in Ojai, California, USA)
Associated languageeng