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Keating, William Hypolitus, 1799-1840

LC control no.n 88101351
Personal name headingKeating, William Hypolitus, 1799-1840
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Variant(s)Keating, Hypolite Louis William, 1799-1840
Found inHis Speech of Mr. Keating, in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania ... calling upon the state banks for weekly reports of their condition, 1834.
DAB (Keating, William Hypolitus; b. 1799 in Wilmington, Del.; d. 1840 in London, Eng.)
Holland, The GarescheĢ, De Bauduy, and Des Chapelles families, 1963: p. 138, 224 (Keating, Hypolite Louis William; changed name to William Hypolitus Keating; b. Aug. 11, 1799 at Wilmington, Del.; d. May 17, 1840 at London; prof. of chemistry and metallurgy at U. of Penna., 1822-27)