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Drinov, Marin, 1838-1906

LC control no.n 88105226
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDrinov, Marin, 1838-1906
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Drinov, M. (Marin), 1838-1906
Drinov, Marin Stoi︠a︡nov, 1838-1906
Дринов, Марин, 1838-1906
Associated countryRussia
Birth date1838-10-20
Death date1906-03-13
Place of birthPanagi︠u︡rishte (Bulgaria)
Place of deathKharkiv (Ukraine)
Profession or occupationHistorians Philologists
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHis Ni︠e︡skolʹko slov ob i︠a︡zyki︠e︡, narodnykh pi︠e︡sni︠a︡kh i obychai︠a︡kh debrskikh slavi︠a︡n, 1888: t.p. (M. Drinova)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Drinov, Marin Stoi︠a︡nov, 1838-1906; usage: Marina Drinova; variants: Marin S. Drinov)
Rus. Brockhaus (Drinov, Marin Stepanovich)
Bolʹsh. sov. ėnt︠s︡ikl., 3rd ed. (Drinov, Marin Stoi︠a︡nov)
Marin Drinov, 2023: title page (Марин Дринов = Marin Drinov)
Wikipedia, May 30, 2024 (Marin Drinov; Marin Stoyanov Drinov; born October 20, 1838 in Panagyurishte, Ottoman Empire; died March 13, 1906 in Kharkiv, Russian Empire; Bulgarian historian and philologist; lived and worked in Russia for most of his life)