LC control no. | n 88118918 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Gehrels, Neil |
Variant(s) | Gehrels, N. (Neil) |
Associated place | Greenbelt (Md.) |
Located | Berwyn Heights (Md.) |
Death date | 2017-02-06 |
Place of birth | Lake Geneva (Wis.) |
Place of death | Berwyn Heights (Md.) |
Field of activity | Astrophysics |
Affiliation | Goddard Space Flight Center University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) Joint Space-Science Institute |
Profession or occupation | Astrophysicists |
Found in | Nuclear spectroscopy of astrophysical sources, 1988: t.p. (Neil Gehrels, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) Gamma ray astronomy, 1995: t.p. (N. Gehrels, NASA, GSFC, Greenbelt, MD) Washington post WWW site, viewed Mar. 3, 2017 (Neil Gehrels, 64, who had been chief of the Goddard Space Flight Center's astroparticle physics laboratory and who was a foremost expert in the field of gamma ray astronomy, died Feb. 6 [2017] at his home in Berwyn Heights, Md.; Dr. Gehrels was born in Lake Geneva, Wis., and settled in the Washington area in 1981; spent the past 34 years at Goddard, in Greenbelt, Md., working as a project scientist and investigator for missions including the Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission; held the title of university professor at the University of Maryland and was a founding member of the U.Md.-NASA Joint Space-Science Institute) |