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Urlsperger, Joh. Aug. (Johann August), 1728-1806

LC control no.n 88140605
Personal name headingUrlsperger, Joh. Aug. (Johann August), 1728-1806
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Variant(s)Urlsperger, John Augustus, 1728-1806
Urlsperger, Johann August, 1728-1806
Found inHis An das Publicum. D. Joh. Aug. Urlspergers Dreyeinigkeitslehre betreffend, 1977.
His An address to all sincere promoters of the kingdom of God, 1780: t.p. (John Augustus Urlsperger, doctor of divinity)
Meyers enzyklopädisches Lexicon, 1979 (Urlsperger, Johann August; b. 25 Nov. 1728; d. 1 Dez. 1806)