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Veith, Johann Emanuel, 1787-1876

LC control no.n 88168661
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVeith, Johann Emanuel, 1787-1876
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Variant(s)Veith, Emanuel, 1787-1876
Veith, Mendel, 1787-1876
Birth date1787-07-10
Death date1876-11-06
Found inBunnell, A. Before infallibility, c1989: CIP galley (Johann Veith, b. Mendel (Emanuel) Veith, July 10, 1787 in Bohemia to Jewish family; attended U of Prague; as convert to Cath. Ch. took name Johann; R.C. priest, preacher, writer, MD & veterinarian; d. Nov. 6, 1876)
Abriss der Kräuterkunde für Tierärzte und Oekonomen, 1813: title page (Emanuel Veith)