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Spawforth, Antony

LC control no.n 88202422
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSpawforth, Antony
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Variant(s)Spawforth, A. J. S. (Antony J. S.)
Spawforth, Tony
Field of activityHistory, Ancient
AffiliationUniversity of Newcastle upon Tyne
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found inCartledge, P. Hellenistic and Roman Sparta, 1989: CIP t.p. (Antony Spawforth, lecturer, ancient history and Greek archaeology, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne) pub. info. (A.J.S. Spawforth)
Who's who in the classical world, 2000: t.p. (Tony Spawforth)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 3 July 2012 (Professor Tony Spawforth, professor of ancient history)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 88013183