LC control no. | n 88238489 |
Geographic heading | Pemberton (W.A.) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Australia--Pemberton (W.A.) |
Variant(s) | Pemberton, Australia |
Found in | Western Australia. Dept. of Land Administration. Mapping Branch. Where jarrah and karri are king including ... Pemberton, 1986. LC data base, 5/5/89 (hdg.: Pemberton, Australia) Aust. 1:250,000 map series gaz., 1975 (Pemberton, popl, 34°27ʹS, 116°02ʹE, WA) BGN 5/5/89 (Pemberton, ppl, 34°27ʹS, 116°02ʹE) |
Geographic area code | u-at-we |