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Guy, William L. (William Lewis), 1919-

LC control no.n 88274105
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGuy, William L. (William Lewis), 1919-
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Variant(s)Guy, William Lewis, 1919-
See alsoNorth Dakota. Governor (1961-1973 : Guy)
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Profession or occupationGovernors
Found inNUCMC data from State Hist. Soc. N.D. for His Collection of papers, ca. 1920-ca. 1960 (William Guy; governor of N.D.)
NUCM data from N.D. Inst. for Regional Studies for His Papers, 1943-1974 (William L. Guy; N.D. governor, 1961-1973)
WW N.D., 1954 (Guy, William Lewis, Jr.; farmer, politician; res.: Amenia, N.D.; s. of William Lewis and Mable (Lett) G.; m. Elizabeth Jean Mason; Democratic Party; active in Presby. Ch.)
LC data base, 4-14-89 (hdg.: Guy, William Lewis, 1919-)