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Scheer, K.-H. (Karl-H.), 1928-1991

LC control no.n 88607703
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2680.E33
Personal name headingScheer, K.-H. (Karl-H.), 1928-1991
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Scheer, K.-H. (Karl-Herbert), 1928-1991
Scheer, Karl-Herbert., 1928-1991
Birth date19280619
Death date19910915
Place of birthFrankfurt, Germany
Field of activityscience fiction
Profession or occupationauthor
Found innuc88-12008: His Les glaces de gol, 1967 (hdg. on MiEM rept.: Scheer, Karl H., 1928- ; usage: K.-H. Scheer)
Wikipedia, 15 December 2010 (Karl-Herbert Scheer; born June 19, 1928, Frankfurt; died September 15, 1991; German science fiction writer; wrote under the name K.H. Scheer; with Walter Ernsting, creator of the Perry Rhodan series beginning 1961)
Associated languageger