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Fabian, 1943-

LC control no.n 88618441
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFabian, 1943-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Forte, Fabian, 1943-
Bonaparte, Fabiano Forte, 1943-
Forte, Fabiano Anthony, 1943-
Birth date1943-02-06
Place of birthPhiladelphia (Pa.)
Profession or occupationActors Singers
Found inHis Fabian's greatest hits [SR] 198-: labels (Fabian)
Rolling Stone ency. rock & roll (Fabian; b. Fabian Forte, 2-6-1943, Philadelphia)
Enc. of pop. mus., 3rd ed. (Fabian; b. Fabiano Forte Bonaparte, Feb. 6, 1943, Philadelphia)
IMDB, 29 March 2017 (Fabian; Fabiano Anthony Forte; born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania February 6, 1943; actor, singer)
Associated languageeng