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Lachmann, Karl, 1793-1851

LC control no.n 88618974
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLachmann, Karl, 1793-1851
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Lachmann, Karl Konrad Friedrich Wilhelm, 1793-1851
Lachmannus, Car. (Carolus), 1793-1851
Lachmannus, Carolus, 1793-1851
Lachmann, Carl, 1793-1851
Lachmann, C.
Lachmann, C., 1793-1851
Birth date1793-03-14
Death date1851-03-13
Found inTimpanaro, S. La genesi del metodo del Lachmann, 1981: index (Karl Lachmann)
LC data base, 11/25/87 (hdg.: Lachmann, Karl Konrad Friedrich Wilhelm, 1793-1851; usage: Carolus Lachmannus, Car. Lachmannus)
NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Lachmann, Karl Konrad Friedrich Wilhelm, 1793-1851; usage: Carolus Lachmannus, Karl Lachmann)
Enc. Brit. (Lachmann, Karl; b. 3/14/1793, d. 3/13/1851)
Der gr. Brockhaus (Lachmann, Karl, 1793-1851)
Weigel, H. Nur was du nie gesehn wird ewig dauern, c1989: t.p. (Carl Lachmann)
nuc89-35859: Eulenspiegel (Satire). Wundersame und ergoĢˆtzliche Historie von Till Eulenspiegel, dem Schalksnarren [MI] 1875 (usage on MH rept.: C. Lachmann)
Invalid LCCNn 89641605