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Heiniger, Ernst A. (Ernst Albrecht), 1909-1993

LC control no.n 88629860
Personal name headingHeiniger, Ernst A. (Ernst Albrecht), 1909-1993
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Heiniger, Ernst Albrecht, 1909-1993
Found inHis Le grand livre des bijoux, c1974: t.p. (Ernst A. Heiniger) jkt. flap (film-maker and photographer)
LC data base, 4-21-88 (hdg.: Heiniger, Ernst Albrecht; usage: Ernst A. Heiniger, 1909-) WWW site, viewed Apr. 28, 2010 (Ernst A. Heiniger; died July 1993 in Los Angeles)