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Montezinos, Antonio de, -approximately 1650

LC control no.n 88632453
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMontezinos, Antonio de, -approximately 1650
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Variant(s)De Montezinos, Antonio, -approximately 1650
Levi, Aaron, -approximately 1650
Levi, Aharon, -approximately 1650
Monterinos, Antonie, -approximately 1650
Montezinos, Antonio de, d. ca. 1650
אהרן, הלוי, ספרדי, נפ׳ 1540
Death date1650~
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found innuc88-52192: Thorowgood, T. Iewes in America ... [MI] 1650 (hdg. on NN rept.: Montezinos, Antonio de, 17th century; usage: Antonie Monterinos)
Manasseh ben Israel. Orígen de los Americanos, 1881: p. 1 (Aharon Levi, alias Antonio de Montezinos)
Enc. Jud., 1971 (Montezinos, Antonio de (Aaron Levi); d. ca. 1650)