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Wilhelm, Kurt, 1900-1965

LC control no.n 88636531
Personal name headingWilhelm, Kurt, 1900-1965
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Variant(s)Ṿilhelm, Y. D. (Yaʻaḳov Daṿid), 1900-1965
Ṿilhelm, Yaʻaḳov Daṿid, 1900-1965
Wilhelm, Jacob David, 1900-1965
Found innuc88-58550: Agon, S.Y. I havets mitt, och andra noveller, 1964 (hdg. on OCH rept.: Wilhelm, Kurt, 1900-1965; usage: Kurt Wilhelm)
Dor Dor ṿe-ʻolaṿ, 1946: t.p. (Y. D. Ṿilhelm)
Bib. of the Hebrew Book, Mar. 3, 2008 (Wilhelm, Jacob David (Kurt); b. May 9, 1900 in Magdeburg, Germany; 1933 immigrated to Palestine; 1948 appointed as Chief Rabbi in Sweden; d. May 19, 1965 in Sweden; buried in Jerusalem)