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Beckert, R

LC control no.n 88646155
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBeckert, R.
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Associated countryGermany
Birth date19520826
Place of birthDresden (Germany)
Field of activityChemistry Chemistry, Organic College teaching
AffiliationFriedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Profession or occupationChemists College teachers
Found innuc88-078415: Organische Schwefel-Verbindungen, 1985 (hdg. on NcD rept.: Beckert, R.; usage: R. Beckert)
Organikum, [2015]: t.p. (Rainer Beckert)
German Wikipedia, viewed 17 April 2015 (Rainer Beckert; born 26 August 1952 in Dresden; German chemist and currently professor of organic chemistry at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Associated languageger