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Benčić, Nikola

LC control no.n 88650226
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBenčić, Nikola
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Variant(s)Bencsics, Nikola
Birth date1938-10-12
Special note"Hrvatov" in NUC record's title per CSt-H rept.
Found innuc88-85244: Novine i časopisi Gradišćanskih Hrvatov, 1985 (hdg. on CSt-H rept.: Benčić, Nikola; usage: Nikola Benčić)
Gradišćanskohrvatsko narodno kazališće, 1998: t.p. (Nikola Bencsics)
Književnost gradišćanskih Hrvata od 1921. do danas, 2000: t.p. (Nikola Benčić) p. 331 (b. Oct. 12, 1938)
Associated languagehrv