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Dixon, Richard Watson, 1833-1900

LC control no.n 88662020
LC classificationPR4599.D66
Personal name headingDixon, Richard Watson, 1833-1900
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Dixon, R. W. (Richard Watson), 1833-1900
Found innuc88-67920: His Hist. of the Church of England [MI] 1887-1902 (hdg. on CtY rept.: Dixon, Richard Watson, 1833-1900; usage: Richard Watson Dixon)
LC data base, 9/19/88 (hdg.: Dixon, Richard Watson, 1833-1900)
BL auth. file, 18 Jan. 2008 (ref.: Dixon, R. W.)